New Year in Malta

Between festivities and traditions.

As in many countries, Malta celebrates the New Year in a fitting way. If New Year’s Eve is more of a celebration, January 1st will be more family friendly. The climate is also much milder to celebrate the New Year in Malta.

Read also our article about Christmas in Malta.

Indeed, for New Year’s Eve, Maltese people tend to go to restaurants, nightclubs or bars, they go where the festivities are. For the younger ones, the party is often done as usual in Paceville . However, while staying in this festive atmosphere, other Maltese and expatriates prefer to have a party at home.

Shortly before midnight, the countdown is launched and magnificent fireworks at the end of this one in various localities of the archipelago. Almost every year, there are festivities on St George in Valletta.

Fireworks over Valletta

On New Year’s Eve, Maltese people usually gather for a family lunch, where good wishes are exchanged.

It’s all very similar to what the French do, but back in the day, the Maltese had a few end-of-yeartraditions, some of which have been preserved.

End of year traditions in Malta

There was for example “Sprinkling of lime”, which consisted in going out in the streets of the cities and villages on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and sprinkling a little white lime on the thresholds of the houses. The white lime being a symbol of purity and new beginning. After that, each person asked for a donation of something from the senior member of the family. This was practiced especially in the 1930s.

“L-istrina” was another tradition that lasted until the 1950s. The Maltese used to receive gifts on New Year’s Day instead of Christmas Day.

Finally, to fully immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere, the traditional Maltese drink is the “Imbuljuta tal-Qastan”. This drink made with cocoa, chestnuts, cloves and citrus peel is usually drunk after the Christmas midnight mass or on New Year’s Eve.

Imbuljuta tal-Qastan, cocoa, chestnuts, cloves and citrus

Finally, even if Malta has lost some of its traditions for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve, the festivities are still there and it is very pleasant to spend your last day of the year there.


Alex | Editor of My Little Malta
Passionate about Malta for many years. I love writing articles of the best recommendations for trips and visits to these wonderful islands.

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