Living in Malta – Advice and testimonials

Of all ages and social categories, many people come to live in Malta for a shorter or longer period of time. But why do these people choose to settle and live in Malta? My Little Malta has some ideas! While the sunshine and mild winters make this country a good choice, there are many other […]

Setting up a business in Malta: 7 answers to everything you need to know

company Malta

After a few scouting visits, a thorough reflection, you have decided to create your own business in Malta, and you are right! First of all, why create your company in Malta? Indeed, in addition to an exceptional living environment, Malta offers many advantages to encourage entrepreneurs to set up there: an international entrepreneurial environment, simplified […]

All you need to know about real estate in Malta and Gozo

If there’s one subject My Little Malta has mastered, it’s expatriation! In this article, you will find our advice and tips to make your move go smoothly. Let’s start with real estate because although it represents a new beginning and a new life, leaving your country is never easy. Going to live in Malta is […]

Buying real estate in Malta : All you need to know

Why buy your future property in Malta? The reasons for moving or investing in Malta can be very diverse: the English language, the lifestyle, the climate, the cost of living, the paradisiacal beaches, professional opportunities in sectors less developed elsewhere such as e-gaming… To all these reasons (a non-exhaustive list of course!) we can also […]

Rental accommodation in Malta (updated rules)

You are a tenant in Malta or you are preparing your installation on the archipelago? Are you an investor? In short, the Are you interested in the new rental housing rules? Our partner Malta Advice has just published a full article on the new law in force in Malta to regulate the rental of private […]

8 reasons to live in Malta

According to several studies, Malta is regularly placed in the top ranks of the best countries to live in. What are the reasons for investors to choose the archipelago as a competitive alternative in Europe? Here are eight of them. A beneficial geographical location within Europe In the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta is a […]

How to buy your main residence in Malta?

Whether it is for a primary or secondary residence, in Malta it is not more difficult than elsewhere to buy a property provided that you are well prepared and patient. However, before buying, it is important to be advised by professionals. What you need to know before buying property in Malta First, it is necessary […]

Working in Malta

Working in Malta

Find out about career opportunities in Malta in igaming, financial services, tourism or one of the island’s other growth sectors. Whether you’re an experienced professional or a recent graduate, this booming Mediterranean island offers many advantages and a growing economy. Explore the opportunities and keys to success for your career in Malta in this article. […]

Find your ideal property in Malta

Malta, an ideal place to live and invest in a property! With over 300 days of sunshine a year, a growing economy, a good quality of life and security, Malta is the ideal place to live or invest in real estate. Investing in real estate in a foreign country is the result of long reflection […]

Where to live in Malta?

It is in the heart of the Mediterranean, not far from Sicily and the Maghreb, that we find the densest country in the world: the Maltese archipelago. Its main island, Malta, is 27 km long and 14.5 km wide. Between the very advanced urbanism in some areas and the typical villages in the center of […]

Your retirement in Malta

It’s in the idyllic setting of Malta that some Europeans decide to retire. The island of honey combines, among other things, cultural wealth, with its five thousand year old temples and fortified cities, and gastronomy that combines Sicilian, North African and English culinary influences. So retiring to Malta is a wise choice. In fact, Malta […]