Pastizz, a culinary specialty of Malta

What is Pastizzi? Maltese cuisine has been nourished by various influences that have given rise to typical specialties on the archipelago. The Pastizz (Pastizzi in plural) is one of them. A small delicacy filled with various ingredients, this snack has seduced both Maltese and foreigners who visit the country. Visit-Malta will try to discover the […]

The Valletta Baroque Festival

Built by the Knights of St. John after the Great Siege of 1565, Valletta is not only a fortified city, it is also a cultural, economic and political crossroads between several continents. Every 5 years you will find music mainly with the Valletta Baroque Festival. What to expect at the Baroque Festival In order to […]

Fireworks in Malta

Every year in April, a world-class fireworks event is held: the Malta International Fireworks Festival. A great Maltese tradition that goes back to the dawn of time and a national pride that will enchant you during your stay in Malta during the festas every week from April to November… The history of fireworks in Malta […]

Christmas traditions in Malta

Ah the Christmas holidays! The Maltese have an undying love for Christmas in Malta and in December you can feel a special vibe as the festivities approach. Malta’s traditions are many and they are especially soaround Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Here are the traditions that you will find if you are in Malta or […]

Surnames in Malta

You have the impression that there are few Maltese sur names as if there were only a few families? That you always see the same names everywhere? In fact, the latest census shows 19,104 different surnames on the island. Their semantic origins are Arabic, Hebrew, Sicilian, Italian, French and English. However, we note that 25% […]

History of Malta – Summary

Aside from its postcard-perfect scenery and lively nights in Paceville, Malta has a rich history due in part to its strategic position at the heart of the Mediterranean. So My Little Malta thought it would be interesting to give you a summary of the key moments in Malta’s history. Because visiting Malta is good, knowing […]

Local drinks in Malta

local drink malta

Having painstakingly researched the archipelago to gather together the essential beverages specific to Malta, My Little Malta serves up all the local beverages on a platter. With all this, we will make you drink all the colors! To taste all these drinks, discover here the best bars in Malta and where to go out in […]

The Festas Calendar, the real Maltese festivals

In Malta and Gozo, festas are village festivals and religious fairs. They are very important in the life of the Maltese as they celebrate the patron saint of each village. On this occasion you can admire fanfares, costumes, illuminations, processions of statues, fireworks and sublime decorations in the streets. They usually take place from Friday […]

Focus on the Temples of Tarxien

For an area of only 316 km², the archipelago of Malta and Gozo has a very high density of buildings rich in history. Indeed, these contain information, secrets and enigmas about our most distant ancestors. Today, Visiter-Malta invites you to take a look inside the famous Temples of Tarxien, vestiges of the late Neolithic period. […]

March 31 is “Freedom day”, freedom in Malta

“Freedom day is recognized as a public holiday in Malta, March 31 represents the day of freedom for the Maltese. Indeed, it was on March 31, 1979 that the British army finally left the archipelago, when the defense treaty with Britain ended. A short look back at an important period in Malta’s history… With the […]

The carnival of Malta

As every year, the Maltese will celebrate with fervor and joy the Carnival. Discover the program of festivities.

The traditions of Malta

During your stay in Malta, attend a rural festival, also called festaor linger in an “Il-Kazin”: you will see the customs and listen to traditional Maltese music. Find also in this article the Christmas traditions in Malta. The Carnival Since 1535, the Malta Carnival is a great Maltese tradition. An event to be experienced! Five […]