Christmas in Malta, what to do?

Indeed, you wouldn’t think so, but we are well in December. Who says December says end of the year celebrations, and more particularly, CHRISTMAS!!! Believe us, just because there is no snow doesn’t mean that the magic of Christmas in Malta won’t be there! If you are already in Malta or Gozo, you have probably […]

September in Malta

Are you one of the lucky ones who have not yet paid for your vacations? Or is your motto, “ I go on vacation in Malta when others are preparing for school and extend my summer in the sun as late as possible! “ Four days, a week? We can confirm it, it’s the perfect […]

What to do in Malta when it rains?

It is rare but it rains in Malta and Gozo! Temperatures do not drop very low even in Autumn-Winter, however, there is sometimes rain that hides the sun. The program of your trip is a bit disrupted? Don’t panic, the beach and diving in the Blue Lagoon of Comino will be for another day. Let’s […]

The Festas Calendar, the real Maltese festivals

In Malta and Gozo, festas are village festivals and religious fairs. They are very important in the life of the Maltese as they celebrate the patron saint of each village. On this occasion you can admire fanfares, costumes, illuminations, processions of statues, fireworks and sublime decorations in the streets. They usually take place from Friday […]

Easter holidays in Malta

If for some, Easter only means the beginning of Spring and chocolate eggs, for the Maltese, who are very Catholic, the religious aspect is extremely present. Easter in Malta With many numerous festas processions, passion plays, marches and various other celebrations, Easter week in Malta is more commemorated than Christmas. It is also important to […]

New Year in Malta

Between festivities and traditions. As in many countries, Malta celebrates the New Year in a fitting way. If New Year’s Eve is more of a celebration, January 1st will be more family friendly. The climate is also much milder to celebrate the New Year in Malta. Read also our article about Christmas in Malta. Indeed, […]

What to do in Malta in April?

In Malta, summer is already beginning to show its face in April, and My Little Malta doesn’t mind! But what are the events in Malta in April? Boats Parties From the end of March onwards, the Boats Parties season is launched! And you’d be wrong to miss it! To party on a boat is something […]

Summer in Malta – What you need to know

The sweetness of life: spend your summer in Malta! Winters are mild and summers are very hot! Moreover, it is approaching fast, if you have not yet booked your vacations and you are thirsty for heat, turquoise water and sunbathing then Malta is the destination for you! The sweetness of life in the morning At […]

Visit Malta in May

May is a very pleasant month to visit Malta: the heat is not yet too stifling (temperatures range between 22 and 25°C; the sea around 20°C) and there are not many tourists, which will facilitate your visits. Here is the essential information to prepare your vacations in Malta. Malta in May: air tickets Airline offers […]