While being taken to be judged as a political rebel in Rome, Saint Paul was shipwrecked north of Malta… He would remain here for only 90 days. And yet, this event of 2000 years ago marks the Maltese culture. Many historical and religious places of the archipelago refer to this legendary character of Malta. In the footsteps of Saint Paul, an idea for a tour on the island…
The Islands of Saint Paul, the place of the Shipwreck

On this winter day (60 BC), the storm rages off Malta, St. Paul’s ship runs aground on Il-Gżejer ta’ San Pawl (in Malti). The Maltese rescued 276 shipwrecked people.
This date in thehistory of Maltawould “mark” the starting point of the conversion to Christianity of the population then under Roman domination.
During your stay in Malta, you can admire from the coast an imposing statue of St. Paul erected in 1845 in memory of this shipwreck, better known as “St Paul’s Shipwreck” in English. A church of the same name can be visited in San Paul’s Bay, a pretty little seaside resort. Itinerary
In the footsteps of Saint Paul in Malta

Although his stay in Malta lasted only three months, legend has it that Saint Paul performed numerous miracles, and thanks to him, the Maltese archipelago was “ spared” from venomous snakes… Of course, he also preached the Gospel to the local population.
Saint Paul lives in a cave located 100 meters from the catacombs that bear his name in Rabat and that you can visit during your vacation in Malta. One day, he is welcomed in Mdina in the palace of the Roman governor Publius. This palace would correspond to the current location of the co-cathedral of the ancient capital of Malta .
After miraculously healing Publius’ father, he converted and became the first Catholic bishop of Malta.
Saint Paul takes to the sea… Later, accused of having set fires in Rome, he will be beheaded and Publius will not know a happier end…
Patron Saint of Malta

Patron Saint of Malta, of the co-cathedral of Mdina and of many parishes of Malta and Gozo, venerated by the Maltese population, his feast day gives rise to two holidays, on February 10 and June 29… And at many Festas!
Such is the legend of Saint Paul told in Malta… You will surely come across his statue and his story in a church or a street in Malta and Gozo.