It’s a fact: the climate in Malta remains very pleasant whatever the season. Nevertheless, you must adapt the contents of your suitcase or bag to these. My Little Malta encourages you to follow her advice to ensure a pleasant stay!

Summer packing list for Malta:

Average temperatures: 25° in the morning / 35° in the afternoon, which can go up to 50° on the hottest days

In my Malta summer packing list are :

Autumn packing list for Malta :

Average temperatures: 25° at the beginning of the season and decreases gradually to 15° during the month of December.

In my autumn packing list in Malta, there are :

Depending on the beginning or end of the season, it would be wise to refer to the summer packing list or the one recommended for the winter season. Check the weather forecast just before you leave. In the north of Malta, the wind can be cold, but even in the south, temperatures are quite high.

However, My Little Malta advises you to have a warm outfit and a lighter one, as the weather can be very changeable from day to day.

Winter packing list for Malta :

Average temperatures : Around 12° in general, but can go up to 15° for the most beautiful days.

In my winter packing list in Malta, there are :

Spring packing list for Malta :

Average temperatures: 20° at the beginning of the season, up to 30° at the end of the season.

In my spring packing list in Malta, there are :

As for the autumn season, depending on the period you wish to stay in Malta, the temperatures may vary, but remain very mild. So My Little Malta invites you to take a majority of relatively light outfits. A windbreaker and a few light sweaters can always be useful, to be prepared for any eventuality.

A must-have for any trip to Malta:

You can of course find all these products on the island, but if you have everything you need at home, you might as well take advantage of it!

Documents required for Malta :

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